Wednesday, 25 April 2018

I'm updating my site and moving to:

Too many reasons why, mostly because I'm trying to simplify my life with a new website: and Facebook:

My blogs will remain, although some of them have already gone on to bigger and better things appearing in the book:
This is the press release.

 ‘FINGS AIN’TWOT THEY USED T’BE’ Award-winning author Barbara Spencer hits back at the absurdities of life and growing older in the 21st century in a charming new book

 Dedicated to the more mature echelons of society, and delightfully illustrated by Katie Beltrami, who just happens to be young, Barbara Spencer’s Age and the Antique Sideboard, takes a nostalgia-filled stroll around England in which there are some extraordinary goings-on. Exhibiting a somewhat 'pithy’ sense of humour, Barbara shares short stories and anecdotes from her travels as well as her personal life. When questioned, as to why she had decided to take this step, she replied: “I’ve always been good at making children laugh and thought it time to have a go at the rest of the world. After all, a book that makes you laugh versus a pair of socks for Christmas? No contest.” Notwithstanding a successful writing career as a childrens and YA author, Barbara has always had a desire to wax lyrical about the absurdity of life. “Whilst travelling from some far-distant school or book signing I began scribbling down my thoughts,” she explained. “Now, of an age to remember the past, I thought, why not? There has to be heaps of people around like me … well, not exactly like me but near enough to enjoy and remember how life once was.”

Do join me at my new blog:

Visit my website Barbara Spencer.

Check out my facebook page Barbara Spencer on Facebook.